Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Confidence and belief

There is a psychological tendency, people express themselves, whether it be in active or passive, always want to express oneself in general sense "positive" side, faith or self-confidence is one of them. mbt tembea birch men's shoes
How to gain confidence or confidence? I think, can be: one, through the experience of similar affair; Second, through positive preparation; Three, through the comparison with others.
Doing things the confidence, need to have experience doing foundation. Experience is the generalization of past or summary. If collect cars stopped trains to shout, "I" difference sound the experience is: only brake fall under the arch or lever for "voice to different sound."
If we didn't do this kind of thing from experience, but have to do another kind of thing experience, these two things are certain similarity between, they will obtain some confidence, the similarity is stronger, confidence is sufficient.
One manufacturing a machine, as long as it is to power, it can achieve certain functions. Full of confidence to its creator, this the basis of confidence seems to be knowledge, but if there is no experience, this foundation will still shaken. For "content" confidence of the confidence or for essentially.
The confidence to some things, do not need knowledge, only need experience; Some are already needs knowledge also need to experience. Two phase comparison, or experience is important. mbt fora black women's shoes

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