Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The planners XiaoHu comrade

In the more than 100 was the first song, the leading red show originality, took the first of the old song to sing, "there would be no new China without the communist party". We are a group of young people laugh wildly, he too old-maidish, so the old repertoire from us these twenties naughty child, not quite alternative, the mouth is weird, if temporary small mistakes, again out a little more will then.
Pick a better a few songs, "let the world fill with love", "love dedication", "the five-star red flag", songs of this kind, the more suitable for our age and the nature of the work, sing up catchy, delicate sentiment, not so difficult. Has a few diiulio advised, lobbying is all but stubborn knocked back.
The planners XiaoHu comrade, more than once I mocked by hu, planning, planning a wildly! The colleagues listen to me so seriously, ineptitude, a group, is XiaoHu frolicking, the noodles don't change color heart not to speed up, a poor expression, this winging it's not my purpose!
The leadership to the ear, and not to blame me, unit nearly 10 female comrade, you a party member, is not only takes the lead, also persuaded nonsense!
Looking at the face plate, leadership thinking of him singing may also be this serious when, by the book, couldn't help a smirk. 

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