Monday, June 20, 2011

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Hepburn is the s famous film star in Hollywood, she has two very interesting records: one is she married seven time marriage; 2 it is she not seen from psychological doctors.

Not long ago, a man called history of doctors in the United States, this tower interest, because he often in the middle of the famous anchor and received some film and television stars, asked him to call to psychological help. History of the tower as psychologist, for the vast majority of people would be solved, but to some people, he also bewildered. These people are some film and television big wrist son, or more than $10 million was as high as $1 million appearance fees, or the giant. And they have no fear, cloud, is a group of fans the luckiest man in the world. louis vuitton outlet 

History of the tower of the two big record learned Hepburn after in the dark, as if found a light, and determination to further research on it, he wants to, perhaps from there she can get a bit breakthrough.

He found out that s newspaper, find out about all of the reports, he Hepburn found Hepburn different from other star is not only the two points. For example, Hepburn had eight years, this was even willing to in Hollywood history there is no precedent. You know, at the time, as a famous film star, was even willing to a Rockefeller family in sealed a Tennessee oil Wells. The loss is almost tangible. In addition, history, also found that Hepburn tower had 67 times goodwill ambassador, especially between 1956 and 1963, she almost every month to the dock, prison, the black community to do volunteer work. Once, she even declined the bell company $50000 per hour celebration, and go to the hospital to invite a little boy do care services. In short, Hepburn in addition to the above the two characteristics outside, still have a great characteristic, is willing to do unpaid work of charity.

History of the discovery of the tower, and he thought that this very seriously there surely contain the psychology of something. In order to get a satisfactory answer, he kind of other willing to public welfare undertakings of the rich and famous. Finally, he found that these people have few eccentricities and other bad record, with Hepburn, as they have almost no seen psychological doctors. louis vuitton handbags 

Later, he found that he applied to a number of special patient. Many people in the medical or advice, sweep the past after heart confused, optimism. There was a time, Hollywood even created a vying for the United Nations goodwill ambassador's boom-they contend for area of Africa, to kosovo refugee camps in somalia. The charity action because they found in the world, there's a justice: when a man pay labor didn't get money and material in return, will surely can get equivalent in the spirit joyful.

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