Monday, June 13, 2011

David Beckham stood in front of the song dynasty

Although you can give a safe home seaweed and song for, but that's not young frivolous seaweed wants, she will song that can help her straight the magic of all difficulties, want that kind of romantic, want that kind of cheating stimulation. I admit, I saw that the rainy night, in David Beckham stood in front of the song dynasty of that a moment, my eyes is wet, but I think I can't sympathize with you, you also can't beg for other people's compassion, compassion is useless, is out of the question. xiaoyonkunblog otaden blog
There is a love called to let go. In fact in the rainy night after, you have to let go. Or from that moment you love is already fuzzy away. Two people are in love with the most fundamental, the most important is to trust each other, when sensitive suspicion replaced the trust, and there is no meaning to go down. Indeed, you are a victim, but do not go berating anyone, algae only choosing her feel better, don't complain anyone, also don't complained of the society.
You don't know the song to the words of the seaweed said: if I can't give you happiness, that what makes me with you. You choke the seaweed neck yell and scream at that moment, I saw the only your craven and incompetence. I'm not saying let you completely forget, this most men can not accept, can don't care, that is not generally man man, that's Nicholas tse. jeffxy blogspot blog
You are a man, you are injured, don't complain, you should face the, the letting go is to let go, licking his wounds, then good try to make myself is no longer a weak one, you should try to make a strong, strong enough to assume you love of person of happiness.

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