Monday, June 20, 2011

louis vuitton Error of god

One day, god created three people, he asked the first man: "you the human world how you plan to spend your life?" The first man wanted to think, and the answer say: "I want to make full use of life to create."

God asked the second man, "on the world how you plan to spend your life", the second man wanted to think, answered and said, I am going to make life to enjoy. "  hallekaren yaplog blog 

God asked the third person, the human world how you plan to spend your life, the third person to want to want to answer: "I not only to create and to enjoy life."  

God to the first person dozen 50 to the second man hit 50 to the third person made 100, he thought that the third person is the perfect man, and he even decision and more production some "third" such person.

The first man has come into the world, showed unusual sense of dedication and save the feeling. He for many people who make a lot of contribution. To help people from nothing but he. His struggle for truth, often misunderstood also have no complaint. Slowly, he became a respectable man, his good deeds were widely praised, and his name was silent look up to people. He died, all coming up, people came from far and wide to to see him off. Until a few years later, he also has been deeply remember.

The second man came to human life, showed unusual possessive and to be bad. In order to achieve their goals, he means, and even without evil don't do. Slowly, he had countless wealth, life luxury, the wife qie become a cluster, big. Then he got too much and do well punished. The blade of justice put him out of the world. He got the contempt and reviled. After a few years, he has been deeply hate. 

The third person to human life, without any unusual performance. He set up his own family, a busy and full life. After a few years no one remember his survival.  jeffxy blogspot blog 

For people to play the first human 100 points, for the second man hit zero, for the third personal hit 50 points, the scores, is the final score of people.

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