Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Locke Philippines son of often how to spend it allowance

Little John d. Rockefeller (oil magnate John d. Rockefeller's son) has always been that he is the father of the huge property managers and not owners. He put the humanity as a life work, life to utilities donated more than us $5000. He had to repair capital contribution of Versailles, set up the arcadia and grand Thai meal national park, donated land to the United Nations headquarters in New York. Here we see is he on May 1, 1920 to son John d. Rockefeller iii of a letter. Little John d. Rockefeller was 46 years old, in his letter to 14-year-old son listed the "financial" requirement. Son John d. Rockefeller iii grow up his father claimed to be the chairman of the board of the Rockefeller foundation. The following is the text of the letter: dad and John memos--allowance processing conditions:

1. From May 1 st John's allowance starting standard $1 50 cents a week.

2. Check each weekend snapshot of the accounts, if John financial records let father satisfied, next week's allowance 10 cents (highest floating allowance is equal to the amount to a week but no more than $2).

3. Every weekend, if this week John accounts check financial records illegal or can't let father satisfied, next week's allowance cut 10 cents.

4. In any week, if not can record income or spending the money to keep this week, and next week level.

5. Every weekend, if this week John accounts check financial records and regulation, but writing or calculation can't make dad satisfaction, next week of money to keep this week level.

6. Dad is the only judging a level adjustment allowance.

7. Both parties agree to at least 20% of the money will be used for public welfare undertakings.
8. Both parties agree to at least 20% of the money will be used to save.

9. Both parties agree to every spending must be clear and definite by record.

10. Both parties agree without mom and dad or, geer thinks (teacher) family miss the consent, John can't buy goods, and to mom and dad for money.

11. Both parties agree if John need to purchase a pocket money to use outside the scope of the goods, John must seek permission from mom and dad or axel, think of miss agree. The latter will give John enough money. Change and display price change, the receipt of the goods must be in the purchase on the night of the party to give money.

12. Both parties agree to any family John teachers, dad's assistant and others paid capital requirements (except the fare.

13. For John deposit in Banks account allowance, its share of more than 20% (see detailed rules of 8), dad to John's account will add the same amount of deposit.

14. Above the long term effective allowance convention rules, until the signature both decided to change the content.

Both sides agree to this agreement and execution.
Little John d. Rockefeller (signed)
John d. Rockefeller iii (signed)

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