Monday, June 20, 2011

In Wolf skins sheep

A sheep are always pursued, so want to the Wolf to put on a Wolf skins. It is thought that there will be no more Wolf to threaten it, then walk alone in the grass in water beauty, unbounded.

A Wolf is always be the hunter pursued, and want to a way: with a sheep. It from now on and then infiltrates, did not have the hunter's flock threat, when hungry kill sheep to dine. One day, a Wolf and sheep touch together, in Wolf skins sheep said: "good ah, how dare you pretend to be our sheep, our brothers and sisters original is let you secretly eat! Today and I'm not gonna live, I and you spell!"

Wolf in sheep's clothing heart Sarah: you and I spell?End not just quietly become my mouth delicious! So way: "oh, I can't imagine there are such things, how dare to pretend to be a Wolf of the sheep, don't you know how many infamous Wolf?"

Their conversation was underway, the distance with a shotgun machete hunter many toward this rush to, one of those people raised his gun, "bang" the sound, the sheep in Wolf skins fell to the ground. Wolf in sheep's clothing looked at fell on the ground of sheep, sneered, "no Wolf's skill, but want to pack the Wolf, the way that bad?"

It looked at the shepherd fast approached, quickly infiltrates the flock.
The flock came home, the master of the flock to a friend, because want to kill a sheep hospitality friends. He pick to pick to, how to look this Wolf in sheep's clothing are not pleasing to the eye, finally let it down the knife. The Wolf blunt blunt, but left right due to fold the door has been shut, and finally did not run away.

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